Release Notes - Release date July 2024

Modified on Tue, 9 Jul at 1:44 PM

Wellnomics App


Version: - Release date July 2024

New Features

  •  MacOS Version released



  • Fixed various UI issues with window/ border gaps resulting in misaligned icons and progress bars not displaying properly


Fixed Issues

  • [Windows] Daily limit reminders not resetting. (WC-2320)
  • [All] Application requesting authentication but failing resulting in repeated browser windows opening asking to authenticate. (2339)

Version: - Release date May 2024



Fixed Issues

  • Daily Limit not resetting, in very rare cases the reset date was not correctly resetting, this caused the daily limit to not reset the following day.   (WC-2320)
  • Application requesting to re-authenticate for existing customers (not new customers) to the Wellnomics online account and failing.   (WC-2339)

Version: - Release date April 2024


New Features


  • Added Portuguese language to the Wellnomics app.  (WC-2159) 
  • If upgrading from an old version of Wellnomics app (prior to 2.2.0 when the file was stored in Program Files (x86) the app install will now check this folder before installing to prevent two versions being installed. (WC1950) 





  • Improved consistency in the wording between for the wellbeing break enforcements.  The desktop app wording now matches the online reporting site wording. (WC-2173)
  • Removed the information regarding SmartLinks from the sit-stand settings (WC-2279)



Fixed Issues

  • When using the scroll button on the mouse in one direction the activity is now being correctly recorded and the timers will continue to countdown.  (WC-2161)
  • The daily limit alert close button no longer appears when the enforcement level is high.  (WC-2188)

Version: - Release date January 2024


New Features


  • Icon colour change if a natural break has occurred and timers reset.   (WC-1849) 
  • Introduction of light contrast theme via the preference icon in the settings panel (WC1881) A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated
  • Added site URL information within the account icon (WC-1921)
  • Status panel reflects colour change icon if a break has been ignored. Light theme shown below (WC-1846)





  • Change the sit-stand icon from two arrows to a stand icon if currently sitting or a sitting icon if currently standing to reflect the position you will move to next. (WC-1863)
  • Adding a line through reminder icons when suspend on screen reminders is activated.
  • Reinstated the connection with Linak desks if using cables (last active in version

Version: - Release date October 2023



New Features

  • French has been added to language options via preference icon (WC-1998)
  • An ellipsis (three dot icon) added to the lright of the status panel to give a quick access to menu.  You can still alt click on the status panel to access the menu. 
  • Rename Dashboard to Settings for opening the main control panel of the application.
  • Introduction to dark and high contrast themes via the preference icon in the settings panel (WC1881)
  • Do Not Disturb when activated appears in the status panel (far left) and timer reflects how long before do not disturb is deactivated or the user can simply select the icon to deactivate. 


Fixed Issues

  • When using the trouble shooting section after a sync would return to the main settings page (WC-1990)
  • An error identified by a specific customer where the timers would count down and not trigger a break (WC-2027)


  • Change the micro-pause icon from an eyelash/blink to a pause icon.
  • Change the daily usage icon (the time recorded for computer use for the day) from a calendar to a clock face with an arrow.
  • Ability to change your sit-stand position during a wellbeing break without impacting the exercises or timers (WC-2002)

Version: - Release date August 2023



Fixed Issues

The version although had resolved an issue when Do Not Disturb was active and then the device was put to sleep there was still a problem with Do Not Disturb getting "stuck".  This was classified as major fault although was a corner case.  This release is identical to (released in May 2023) with the exception that the app will not lock up if the user has the application in Do Not Disturb mode and puts their device into sleep mode or have Do Not Disturb mode getting stuck. (WC-1992)

Version: - Release date July 2023



Fixed Issues

The version was found to have an issue when Do Not Disturb was active and then the device was put to sleep. This was classified as major fault although was a corner case.  This release is identical to (below) with the exception that the app will not lock up if the user has the application in Do Not Disturb mode and puts their device into sleep mode. (WC-1977)

Version: - Release date May 2023



New Features

  • Account /profile icon added to Dashboard - Currently shows Email, Name and License for the app.  Wellnomics has plans to expand on this information.  Please feel free to contact us if you have ideas of what you would like included on this view. (WC-1715)
  • Able to set where the break alert position appears on screen - Go to Dashboard, select Breaks and exercises, scroll down to preferences. (WC-
  • Able to set where nonfiction alert position appears on screen - Go to Dashboard. select cog wheel on top menu. (WC-
  • When postpone is selected for a Wellbeing break a message briefly displays, stating how long the break is postponed for (WC-1265)
  • Ability to configure a different screen effect for Microbreak and Wellbeing break - Go to Dashboard, select Breaks and exercises, scroll down to preferences. (WC- 1689)
  • Enable Enterprise customers to define the number of exercises to display during a Wellbeing break (the default is now set to 3 - the rest of the break will show tips). (WC-1753)
  • Enable Enterprise customers to define Do Not Disturb options and disable completely if needed via the SaaS site (WC-1751)


Fixed Issues

  • 150% scaling on 1920 x 1080 screen has been improved. (WC-1048)
  • Wellnomics App was resetting timers if logging out during the day and logging back in later in the day (WC-1713)
  • Sometimes settings from the server were not updating.  Now when a sync is triggered from the dashboard the settings, preferences and configurations will be sent from the server even if no change has been identified (WC-1742)
  • Microbreak timer stuck, an issue that very rarely occurred on 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 (WC-1831)
  • Wellbeing break timers were not resetting when laptop was put into sleep mode overnight which could result in a Wellbeing break being triggered in the first 10 minutes of the working day.  This has been corrected to ensure a new day resets the timers (WC-1747)


  • Macro keystrokes are not counted - only the hotkeys used is considered a keystroke (WC-815)
  • Sound plays at the end of the breaks when play sound with reminders is selected (WC- 1712)
  • Microbreak timer used to stop when a Wellbeing break was due before the next Microbreak.  The timer will now continue to count down and then start counting up to show it has been delayed due to a Wellbeing break (WC-1664)
  • When feature sets have changed on the server - Editing your Wellbeing feature sets the end user will get a pop-up message to advise of the change (WC-1673)
  • More information provided in the authentication workflow when the app initially authenticates (WC-1802)

Version: - Release date January 2023



New Features

  • Wellnomics app has been upgraded from 32bit to a 64bit version.



Fixed Issues

  • In some tool tips and pop-up messages there were overlapping text issues.  These have been resolved (WC-1660 & WC-1704)


  • Sit-stanad UI has been updated to show all settings related on the Sit-stand tab and have expand/collapse menus (WC-1681)
  • Breaks and exercises tab has been updated to show all relevant settings via expand/collapse menus.  This change sees the exercises tab merge into the breaks tab and some values that had previously been stored on the cog wheel be moved to the break and exercises tab (Tips, Preferences related to breaks - screen break effect, play sound with reminders, display exercises during breaks). (WC-1679)

Version: - Release date December 2022



New Features

  • Synchronize icon added to the icons on menu header of the dashboard.  A sync can be triggered manually via clicking the icon and the icon will spin while sync in progress and respond with a green tick when completed and then return to the resting icon (as it is in the below screenshot). (WC-1647) 
  • Break pop up screen will have red highlights and timer will pause or go backwards if a user continues to work through a Wellbeing break without selecting postpone or ignore. (WC-1621)
  • If there is no option to postpone or ignore based on their enforcement level, the app will set a blur background (override none or fade option if set) and enforce the break giving the perception the device is locked. (WC-1063 and WC-1481)


Fixed Issues

  • Do not disturb recorded times were being exaggerated if the feature was enabled at the time of logging off at the end of the day. (WC-1672)
  • In some situations, the authentication process was not successful and required the app to restart.  (WC-1622)
  • The tool tip for suspend in remote session was not displaying. (WC-1557)
  • Auto update could fail if the download took too long due to internet speed. (WC-1653)
  • When triggering a manual Wellbeing break and play sound is activated a sound will now be produced. (WC-1564)


  • Hide weekly settings in the edit custom page as no longer applicable (WC-1254)
  • Language dropdown list in the App to reflect the naming conventions on the SaaS (WC-1605)
  • Default for auto delete is changed from 180 days to 90 days for any new instances (WC-1640)
  • Notifications support set to only show the most relevant message and prevent duplication of messages (WC-1611)

Version: - Release date September 2022



New Features

  • Ability to edit individual break setting values, when used with SaaS version 4.13.0 or greater (WC-1475) 
  • Thai and simplified Chinese has been added to language options via preference icon. (WC-1063 and WC-1481)


Fixed Issues

  • With the removal of WorkPace (under improvements) the calculator crashing error has been resolved.


  • Removal of WorkPace.exe from application (WC-784)
  • Daily and weekly timers now count up from 0 (not backwards from the usage threshold (WC-898)
  • Wellnomics break focus takes forefront if keyboard or mouse activity is detected during a break (WC-1575)

Version: - Release date August 2022


New Features

  • Spanish has been added to language options in the preference page. (WC-1063)


Fixed Issues

  • Dutch language was not translated in the hidden icons hover (WC-1367)
  • When in RDP mode and unselected suspend in remote session you couldn't view the status panel.  This has been corrected (WC-1457)


  • Changed the wording to make it less ambiguous about how to restart the desk height change if interrupted by a mouse movement. (WC-649)
  • Removal of height information as no longer needed.
  • Do not disturb now shows as greyed out (alerts won't trigger) although the timers will still continue to count down.  Once the timers reach 0:00 they will start counting up to show the end user how overdue their breaks are if computer use is still being recorded during do not disturb mode (WC-907)

Version: - Release date June 2022


New Features

  • To enable/disable some app related messages via the server at organization group level. (WC-1402)


Fixed Issues

  • Manual sit stand wizard work flow improved (WC-1336)
  • Remote session mode was being changed when syncing (WC-1391)
  • Resolved error "Garbage at end of document" which impacting sync (WC-1398)


  • Ability to restart App if fatal error identified without a popup message appearing. (WC-1402)
  • Rest break renamed to Wellbeing break (WC1397)
  • Weight removed from Sit-stand setup questions (WC-1334)
  • Manual sit-stand no longer records heights as the values are only used for electric sit-stand. (WC-1393)
  • Default position of status panel is now horizontal top right corner (previously vertical)
  • Removed pop up message when using Exit as no longer applicable (WC-328)

Version: - Release date April 2022


New Features

  • Dutch (Nederlands) is now available as a language option via the preferences (cog wheel on dashboard menu) under the General section.
  • Automatic detection applied if a fatal error has occurred, a pop up message will advise the end user to send logs to support, for Wellnomics to investigate and advise the app doing a force restart. - (WC-1345)
  • Upgraded Dashboard Icon with informative pop up message, if using Wellbeing SaaS - (WC-1205) 
  • Some feature options can now be controlled by the WRM SaaS (WRM 4.9 or greater) - (WC-1223)


Fixed Issues

  • Default Break setting for first install change from Custom to the lowest setting - (WC-1270)
  • Synchronizing to server API with Protocol 5 (WRM 4.7) or higher to allow for backward compatibility - (WC-1294)
  • Screen breaks effect will reflect preferences set when break is triggered - (WC-1266)
  • Rapid disconnect and reconnect of Smartlink USB would cause app to crash - (WC-1277)
  • Swapping between Sit-stand and Fixed height caused the settings to be cleared (WC-1326)
  • If mouse movement is detected while a desk height is being changed the desk would not stop moving (WC-1378)


  • Data cache to improve performance - (WC-1224)
  • Update to OpenSSL version 1.1.1m - (WC-1241)
  • Wellnomics break has been renamed to Rest break

Version: - Release date December 2021


New Features

  • Change in default break settings, yet retaining the custom selection option - (WC-1205)
  • Adding setting summaries to the break options to provide meaningful descriptions - (WC-988)
  • Display messages for Wellbeing score to assist the interaction of Wellbeing reports - (WC-1200)
  • Notify you if your Wellbeing score has changed - (WC-1197)


Fixed Issues

  • When a windows device went into Hibernate/Sleep mode the recording function of the statistics was not always closing correctly.   When the device was taken out of hibernation/sleep mode the continuation of activity recording was not always activating correctly.  This has now been resolved. - (WC-1211)
  • Removed the logout button from the troubleshooting page - (WC-1144)
  • Failing to import existing historical data and fails to sync new data - (WC-1240)
  • High CPU usage when break exercises video failed to open - (WC-1259)
  • Sit-stand activates without a Sit-stand license - (WC-1260)


  • Error message description updates to provide more clarity - (WC-1213)
  • Enable/Disable launching the application after installation (prior versions was set to enable only) - (WC-1145)
  • Video playback has been upgraded to use QT Multimedia - (WC-920)
  • Improved re-authentication process - (WC-1162)

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