SaaS Release Notes - Latest Version 4.19.0 - June 2024

Modified on Wed, 19 Jun at 10:38 AM

Version: 4.19.0 - Release June 2024


Version 4.19.0 is designed to provide support for customer sites to merge to the new and improved reporting site


Wellbeing reporting - hiding Management reporting if individual data is not allowed for the role

If the privacy access level for a manager/supervisor is set to Group, the Wellbeing site did not reflect this and displayed user details.  The Wellbeing now reflects the data privacy rules. SAAS-1127

Wellbeing to Risk Management label

The button to toggle from Wellbeing to Risk Management now displays as Ergonomics reporting, used to view as View old risk reporting.

Bug Fixes

Creating your own groups via bulk update

After completing some reports for example an assessment status report or high-risk users, the bulk update option to create or edit groups was not allowing the group to complete.  This has now been resolved. SAAS-1145

Wellbeing Features going to OFF if editing HR criteria for Organization group.

When changing an organization group ownership driven by HR set criteria, the org group description clears, and all Wellbeing features change to OFF.  This is now resolved WRM-12924

Version: 4.16.0 - Release June 2023


Version 4.16.0 has some great updates for Wellbeing and improving the end user experience.  There has been some great feedback on the assessment expiry option from 4.15.0 and has generated a couple of improvements.  


Add new working from home slides to the environment section of our Ergonomics training

With the global increase in working from home for many employees we have added additional information in our ergonomics training. WRM-12756

Change the assessment expiry minimum period.

This feature was introduced in 4.15.0 and based on customer feedback have reduced the expiry minimum period from 52 weeks to 8 weeks. WRM-12770

Last completed date for assessments

My risk profile used to show last date for assessments and in 4.15.0 was hidden until the assessment was close to or had expired.  Based on customer feedback we have reinstated the date to always show. WRM-12774

Overall rating requires Wellnomics App data to be present and up to date.

Until now it was possible to have an overall risk value even when the Wellnomics App data was not recorded or out of date and the assessment may have been years old.  This can be configured via Admin > System preferences - Risk score and overall risk or priority section. WRM-11951

Bug Fixes

WorkPace Data Detail Report not always showing the correct version

With the changing in the version numbers from WorkPace to Wellnomics App the report was trying to show the latest version based on chronological order.  This has now been corrected to show the version number based on the latest sync to the site. WRM12830

Audit note if comment was deleted referred to the note creator as opposed to the user who deleted the note

When a comment is deleted, it will now refer to the user who deleted the message as opposed to the user who created the comment if different.  WRM-12855

Error logging into Wellbeing site when browser language was not English, and password reset failing.

Have updated Wellbeing not to refer to the browser language setting. WRM-12711/ WRM-12842

Subscriptions account closure appeared to error.

The account closure was working however the customer experience was showing an error.  This has been resolved with a process workflow improvement. WRM-12687

Team Suscription - the admin access prevented view of category factors of team members in Wellbeing

A team admin can now drill down into the categories and then into the factor for their team members. WRM-12753

Subscription - if a trial had expired the user was unable to reset their password if forgotten.

Whether a subscription is active or expired a forgot password can now be successfully actioned. WRM-12856

Version: 4.15.0 - Release January 2023


Version 4.15.0 is focused on creating an expiry date for assessments and remove the dynamic risks (computer use, breaks and speed and intensity from WRM if customer is using Wellbeing for their dynamic data).


Assessments now have an expiry date applied

Via Wellnomics Admin role - Admin > Policy configuration > Assessments - the value for exiting customers is set to 520 weeks, thus assessments would only expire after 10 years. New customers will have a 52-week default value set. An automatic schedule of the assessment can be triggered if ticked and a value of 1 - 12 weeks applied. 


Allow assessment only in WRM and dynamic stats in Wellbeing only

A setting is available to hide computer use, breaks, speed and intensity risk values for customers using Wellbeing for this dynamic data.  Please contact as at if you would like this setting applied or to discuss further. WRM-12537 and WRM-12540 

Ability to edit email address

If a signup user needs to edit the email address due to change in email or a spelling mistake, this is now possible via Wellbeing.  Note this is not applicable if an HR import user. WRM-9571

Bug Fixes

Hide individual names for send reminder when delegating with group level data access only and not impacting other roles 

Related to the enhancement in 4.12.0 for delegation (WRM-12128).  Now the group level access hides names in the send reminder process when delegating without impacting other roles and rights.  WRM-12613

Version: 4.14.0 - Release November 2022


Version 4.14.0 is focused on improvements with the privacy policy configuration and Wellbeing view updates.


Privacy policy viewable for new users is now configurable.

Via Wellnomics Admin role menu allowing administrators to choose to hide the policy for new users - Admin > Edit custom content - Select Privacy policy from the drop-down list. WRM-12491

Hide weekly settings in edit custom settings

Weekly alerts no longer active on Wellnomics App and cleaned up the display values WRM-1254

Ignore application stats and remove from Wellbeing view

Application stats does not make up the wellbeing score and has been removed from Wellbeing dashboard. WRM-12500

Bug Fixes

Hide quick links that are not available to user due to permissions

Some quick links on the portal were viewable and when selected advised access is denied.  These are now set to hide to avoid confusion WRM-11773

Who can view my data updated on Wellbeing

When selecting who can view my data, individuals that had been archived were visible.  The users now displayed are active only individuals. WRM-12408

Version: 4.13.0 - Release September 2022


Version 4.13.0 is focused on improvements working with Wellbeing and allowing additional control to App settings (2.0.0 or greater required).  Introduced a new report to display current delegations for Wellnomics Administrator role.


New report to view current delegations and access rights 

Via Wellnomics Admin role menu Admin > View reporting delegates, you can view all active delegations on your site showing who has the rights and what manager/local administrator they can view and the privacy and data access levels applied.  This report can be exported to excel or word and printed if needed.  (WRM-12129)

Setting to allow individuals to choose break options for Wellnomics App (2.0.0 or greater)

Via Wellnomics Admin role menu Admin > Manage Organization Groups you can set a group to have control over their settings.  Please check with Wellnomics Support before activating. (WRM-12358)

Ability to configure teams via subscriptions

Wellbeing teams can be setup and managed via subscriptions.  Please contact Wellnomics support for any questions.

Provide additional information if an end user sees a 500 error

We have updated the display when an end user experiences a 500 error.  This now shows as "cannot connect to the cloud" and provides a link to an article on what steps an end user may do if after 10 minutes they are still getting the error - "Can't connect to the cloud" - Tips you can do that may resolve (WRM-12329)

Bug fixes

Unable to delete a local administrator group when assigned local administrator is archived

Local administrator group can now be deleted even if the local administrator assigned to the group has been archived. (WRM-12289)

Single Sign On - 500 error

Single sign on users were experiencing a 500 error when preferences had yet to be saved.  This has been resolved. (WRM-11625)

Version: 4.12.0 - Release August 2022


Version 4.12.0 is focused on management reporting in the Wellbeing site and Delegated reporting ability to manage via HR import and restrict access to group level for Report on behalf of views.


Prevent access to individual data when reviewed by delegates 

Via Wellnomics Admin role menu Admin > System preferences if delegated reporting is active an option to prevent delegates from accessing individual level data.  When active anyone using Report on behalf of will be restricted to group level access.  (WRM-12128)

Ability to manage Report on behalf via HR import

A new feature is available to allow delegating to be centrally managed via the HR import.  For more information click here (WRM-12126)

Management reporting for Wellbeing site

Manager reporting is available for anyone with a Local Administrator role or a supervisor within Wellbeing.  A new search option has been added to help find individuals and new charts with drill down capabilities. (WRM-12147, 12209, 12216, 12217)

Sync dates in reports for wellbeing users

Previously the first and last sync dates would clear if a user had not synced in the past 28 days.  The dates remain populated even after 28 days now. (WRM-12156)

LoginID for HR import is no longer mandatory for some customers

With customers with Wellnomics App or Assessments only there is no need to have individual details in the LoginID column. Please contact support for further information. (WRM-12154)

Bug fixes

Reset passwords generating spike in CPU

When password resets were being requested there was a major pull on resources which sometimes generated a 500 error.  This has been resolved. (WRM-12277)

Unable to switch from OAuth to SAML using Okta without errors. 

An existing customer was unable to change out from OAuth to SAML when changing attribute statements.  This is now resolved  . (WRM-12291)

Thresholds missing in drilled down data in Wellbeing

The thresholds are now all populated as expected (WRM-12169)

Version: 4.11.0 - Release June 2022


Version 4.11.0 is focused on additional communication with the Wellnomics App and personal subscription functionality for standard SaaS sites.


Privacy policy page for WRM 

A new item under About has been added to view the privacy policy.  The information viewed on this page can be edited via Admin > Edit custom content - select privacy policy in the dropdown list (WRM-12121)

Privacy policy page is now displayed when a new user accesses the SaaS site for the first time

To comply with legal requirements any new user (sign up or HR Import) will be initially directed to the privacy policy page before using Wellnomics.  Once logged in the user can access the privacy policy at anytime via About > Privacy policy. (WRM-12123)

Additional settings for Wellnomics App via the server

Ability to enable or disable pop up messages from the app via the Organization group.  Please contact your Wellnomics team to discuss further. 


Bug fixes

Wellnomics Administrator role - unable to delete notes

The ability to remove unwanted notes applied by individuals can now be removed by WA role (WRM-12114)

Password strength indicators were showing good when not sufficient 

The strength indicator was showing good when there was no symbol present.  The indicator will now not go above fair until a symbol is part of the password. (WRM-12041)

Translations in menu reverting to English is some cases

The menu items are now holding translations as expected (WRM-12174)

Version: 4.10.0 - Release April 2022


Version 4.10.0 is focused on additional communication with the Wellnomics App and preparation for subscription functionality that will be available in a future release.


Additional communications from SaaS to Wellnomics App

  • Information is passed to the Wellnomics App to either show WRM or Wellbeing portal depending on the combination of Organization Group setting and the last portal the end user was viewing.
  • Ability to set within SaaS a setting to enable/disable comms regarding a restart of Wellnomics App if there has been a failure – (WC-1345)
  • If the Wellbeing portal has been logged into, the SaaS will send communication to the Wellnomics App (version 1.5) and display the Wellbeing score.
  • Update of the licensing, privacy policy and third-party links on Wellnomics App when WRM SaaS is used (WRM-12012)


Bug fixes

Send Reminder page not always updating/reflecting the filter options

When changing the default view in send reminders of medium/high risk users was not updating the user list correctly and this also occurred after sending the reminders the list would not update.  This has now been corrected.  This had been identified in V4.5.0 (WRM-11635)


WorkPace/Wellnomics App data detail report

The report was showing duplicate data if various versions were displayed and not always displaying all users when changing the status options.  (WRM-12040)


Risk History table 

Some occasions, the risk history table was missing data for a calculated week.  (WRM-12108)

Version: 4.9.0 - Release January 2022


Version 4.9.0 is focused on setting up controls within the server for some of the Wellnomics App (v1.4.0) features to be controlled via sending the requirements down to the application via the API sync.  Further features will be added in upcoming releases.


Global default settings for Wellnomics App

Via Manage Organization Groups you can set values for breaks, whether exercises to be displayed during the Wellnomics break and what the screen breaks effect is and assign individuals to the group.  The information is then delivered and applied to the Wellnomics App (version 1.4.0 or greater) via an Api sync. (WRM–11709)


Add export my personal data to Wellbeing

Via the Wellbeing site a user can now download/export their personal data that has been collected via the Manage page (WRM-11888)

Bug fixes

Adding an attachment to a note causes portal to lockup 

Ability to add a note and apply an attachment will no longer freeze the portal (WRM-12006)


Ability to add individuals to a organization group when users are added via HR Import

Groups of individuals can now be created if users are added via an HR import (WRM-11956)


WorkPace Data Detail Report for No Data or Out of Date Data

The report was returning null values although the bar chart showed there were individuals (WRM-11876)


Who can view my data

Link on the WRM portal was sending users to Wellbeing in error (WRM-11835)

Version: 4.8.0 - Release November 2021


Version 4.8.0 is focused on further integration of the Wellnomics App and Risk Management to enable existing WorkPace Classic and WRM users to migrate to the Wellnomics App and retain the risk management reports.


Message to display poral is down 

Within the admin portal the ability to set messages for “the portal is currently down for planned maintenance” or “the portal is currently down while a recalculation of user data takes place” including custom option.  Times can be added to advise when the next update is or when the portal will be available again. (WRM-11731)


Add custom OAuth scope

An additional scopes field has been added to the OAuth configuration page to allow for additional custom scopes. (WRM-11855)


Features activated and deactivated by user in Wellbeing

Ability for end users to enable and disable features in the Wellbeing site (WRM-11828)


Add organization invite link for Wellbeing

An additional invitation link added to WRM to allow invite users to be sent to Wellbeing (WRM-11777)


Update to Mange account layout for Wellbeing

Changes to the layout and additional features added to the page/cards (WRM-11400


Bug fixes

Wearable historical data sync to server time

Historical Fitbit data was using the server time to process the last 28 days which would create an error if the user is in a time zone ahead of the server.  E.g. US server and a NZ user. (WRM-11545)


Client version sometimes incorrectly recorded in the WorkPace Data Status report

Report now retuning the correct values for the client version (WRM-11810)


Hamburger icon on light theme disappears when window is reduced in size

The hamburger icon now displays black on the white background

Version: 4.7.0 - Release September 2021


Version 4.7.0 is focused on the integration of the Wellnomics App and Risk Management to enable existing WorkPace Classic and WRM users to migrate to the Wellnomics App and retain the risk management reports.


Implement mandatory reCAPTCHA 

If a user has three failed attempts to log on they will be presented with a reCAPTCHA to ensure any attempts at a brute force attack of an account will be challenged.

The reCAPTCHA will also be triggered when a reset/forgot password is requested. (WRM-11693)


Allow a user to select a client setting preset 

The Wellnomics App can now receive instruction from the server that holds client preset settings.  This enables customers to have bespoke settings available to their end users (WRM-11754)


Implement MFA support for the Wellnomics Admin site 

To increase the security of the Wellnomics Admin site, multi factor authentication is now required, after the username and password has been entered a unique code will be emailed to the user.  The code will expire after 10 minutes of being generated.  If an incorrect code is entered the admin will be presented with a reCAPTCHA.  The ability to select “remember me” has also been removed to improve security. (WRM-11694

Bug fixes

Unable to export My Personal Data from preferences step

After the initial request of My Personal Data, the second and subsequent request was being sent but failed to send the report.   The ability to request the report multiple times can now occur (WRM-11696)


Access Restricted message when using Report on Behalf of

An end user may select a user when in the delegation step and select go.  While the request was being processed the end user could select a second user and select go which generated an error.  When the initial request is now being processed the ability to select a second user is not possible.  The initial request will need to be completed before a second request can be committed. (WRM-11626)


Wellbeing Site – removing click on the “I” and “?” icons

Several icons had the ability to click which were not required.  These have been removed and now function solely as an icon (WRM-11433)

Version: 4.5.0 - Release July 2021


Version 4.5.0 has several performance optimization updates, and many of the enhancements for this version is focused on the next generation client that will soon be replacing the current WorkPace Classic.


Move from .net 4.7 to .net 4.8 framework

A known issue in .net4.7 framework has been exposed in version 4.4 where the application pool is not always recycling correctly.  To mitigate this issue version 4.5.0 has been upgraded to .net 4.8 framework to give greater stability.


Mouse movement exaggerated with use of track pads

An issue was identified in the calculation of mouse usage as in the distance a mouse travelled on the desk.  

When using a trackpad as opposed to a mouse the distance traveled was being recorded at 100 times more.  The reports will no longer reject the whole record, instead zero the measurement value.  This ensures the remaining data is available to report. 


Bug fixes

Overall risk report User List not populating.

When the overall risk report was run the user list was not displaying the names when selected.  The action of selecting user list is now correctly displaying the individuals.


Ability to export the users list

When the user list was displayed, and the export option was selected for extracting the data to an external source such as excel the file was not being generated.  This issue has been resolved and the ability to extract the data is working as expected.

Version: 4.4.0 - Release March 2021


Notify Local Administrator when someone completes an assessment

This feature is already available for supervisors as well as admin users, we have received a requirement for notifications to be sent through to local administrators as well so they can proactively monitor their users. (WRM- 11090)


Ability to require training to be completed before assessments can be started

There are instances when a manager or supervisor wants to ensure that users have completed the training before they can start assessment. We have added this feature to cater for that requirement. (WRM-11091)


Sanity Checks Adjustment

The touch support on WPC 5.5.7 has caused erroneous data to be generated for some users with touch screens. This triggered the server to reject these data as a whole. We have implemented sanity checks adjustments to tackle this issue on the server side. This includes sanity checks for:

  • Break time values
  • Right click values
  • Left click values

The server will now accept the data; however, it will zero out the fields specified above but will now retain other important information. (WRM-11468)


Bug fixes

Limit Historical Data Sync

A number of issues have been identified with the collection of historical, this includes issues with the sync. Due this, we have enhanced the server to limit the sync of historical data.

Version: 4.1.0 - Release September 2020


Add the ability to Purge User Data through the WRM UI.

We have added the ability to Purge User Data by an Administrator with the below scenarios:

  • Ability to Purge ALL User Data older than a given date.
  • Ability to Purge User Data older than a given date for a certain group (e.g. users in Israel and Germany may have a different requirement)
  • Ability to Purge User Data for a specific active or archived Users so that Clients can meet GDPR Requirements to be able to delete all data for a user who asks for their data to be deleted from the system for privacy reasons.

We have added warning messages and confirmations, a reason field and password protection to help prevent accidental deletion of User Data.

Please note depending on the SQL Server version the Purging Page may display an “Internal Server Error” toast

message, this can be safely ignored as it does not affect any of the functionality. This will be fixed in the next release.


Bug fixes

Incorrect WorkPace Version Displayed on Stretch break settings for Wellnomics Client (WorkPace) page

On the Stretch Break Settings page which displays the Data from the last Client Sync the version of the WorkPace Client was often incorrectly displayed even though the correct Data was in the Database. This has now been fixed (WRM-11

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